ok, maybe not the literal end of instagram, but the end of it for me mostly.

i can’t remember how many months ago it was, but it was quite a few. i went to log on and catch up. i was denied. a page mandated the entry of my birthdate with a warning that it better be my birthdate and they would eventually find out if it wasn’t. well, maybe that warning wasn’t explicitly on that page, but if you did some searching through instagram’s policies, it was stated in those.

that birthday entry page is still there. i never entered it. i can’t even delete my account without first entering my birthday.

not using instagram is really no loss for me. the software was changing weekly, if not daily. if you still you use it, you are aware of the changes. those changes decreased the enjoyment i got from the platform and i just quit using it.

i’m still taking pictures of course. mostly of my day job which is watching clara.

so, here’s a few.

Published On: 2022 September 20

One Comment

  1. […] may remember that i said i was pretty much done with instagram. i resolved to get it sorted and terminate my account. i ditched my calyxos android phone and moved […]

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